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HOME > 2002年鳥獣保護法の改正 > 2002年請願署名(英文)


To the Honorable Chairpersons of Both Houses of the Diet,

  In order to save the Earth, the existence of wildlife is essential. However, the habitat for wildlife is daily being diminished and divided into isolated pieces. Many species are on the verge of extinction. But, as yet, there is no law to effectively protect wildlife in Japan. The protection of wildlife and their habitat is one of the major socio-political issues which must be addressed without delay. The coming year 2002 has been set aside for reviewing the Law Concerning Protection Of Wildlife And Hunting (Game Protection Law). It is also the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Law Concerning Preservation Of Endangered Wild Fauna And Flora (Endangered Species Protection Law). It is time to basically review these laws and revise them so that they may be effectively applied to protect wildlife.

 We, the undersigned, request the following:

1) Revision of the Game Protection Law to include:

 a) Designated and controlled hunting areas to specific units; hunters should no longer be given free-hand to choose on their own the areas to hunt, the cause of numerous injuries and death; safety regulations for out-door activities must be procured;

 b) Revision of Pest Control Regulations; so called Pest Control is being executed without verifying its necessity or effectiveness; we request an objective assessment of “Pest Control”, prohibition of making profit from the captured “pests”, prevention of agricultural, forestry and fishery damage must be given preference over blaming wildlife and killing them; the fostering of local talent to care for wildlife; the education, understanding and cooperation of the general residency concerning wildlife policy.

2) Revision of the Endangered Species Protection Law; although the number of endangered species continues to increase, the present Law protects only a small number of these species (out of the many endangered mammals only two species are now legally protected); a more effective system must be established without delay; each local endangered population must be protected; habitat for the endangered species must be conserved and a recovery plan must be created; further destruction of the habitat must be prevented; the wildlife policy should reflect public opinion.

3) The revised laws should be incorporated into the new Wildlife Protection Law.


The Main Points Of Our Proposal For The New Law

(by The Network To Establish A Veritable Wildlife Protection Law)

I) The Law Concerning Hunting And Protection Of Wildlife, virtually only a Game Law, should be revised and incorporated into the Wildlife Protection Law.

 1) The purpose of the new law should contain the preservation of the diversity of species and natural environment;
 2) The wildlife policy and its execution should be effectively watched; growing public opinion concerning wildlife conservation must be respected;
 3) The damage caused by wildlife to agriculture, forestry and fishery should be compensated;

 4) The entire nation should be, principally, a wildlife reserve; hunting should be restricted to designated and controlled units;

 5) Pest Control, being one of the purposes of the present Law, should be revised to the Prevention Of Damage Caused By Wildlife To Agriculture, Forestry And Fishery;

 6) Fortification of the regulation concerning the import of wildlife;

 7) Wildlife captured as “pests” should not be put to use, sold for their “parts” or given over for experimental use;

 8) Prohibition of the use of traps and snares causing indiscriminate capture, pain and death;

 9) Encourage and foster specialists who can work with local administrations to protect wildlife.

II) The present Endangered Species Protection Law, which is ineffective even to protect the many species now on the verge of extinction, should be revised and become a part of the new Wildlife Protection Law including protection of the habitat allowing for species recovery.

 1) Not only endangered species but also all local populations of wildlife should be protected;

 2) Oceanic mammals should also be protected by the Law;

 3) Effective measures for recovery of endangered species should be taken;

 4) Human activities destructive to habitats should be restricted;

 5) Review of the regulation of traffic in wildlife and wildlife related products; the implementation of punishment for violation of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species;

 6) For effective actualization of the Law public observation should be legally supported and public opinion concerning wildlife conservation should be respected;
 7) The government should appropriate sufficient funds to make the Law viable.
 Network General Coordinator: Mototani Isao, Honorary Professor of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


Kawamichi Mieko, Kyoto Mammalogical Society.
Kusakari Hidenori, WWF Japan
Kominami Yukihiro, Wild Bird Society of Japan.
Kurasawa Naomi, Oikos
Sakamoto Masayuki, Japan Wildlife Conservation Society
Suzuki Atsuko, Wolf-Pals, Japan
Suzuki Masako, The Society to Save The Dugong of the Northern-most Habitat
Takeshita Nobuo, The League to Eliminate The Use of Lead-Bullets
Tamura Naohisa, Nature Conservation Society of Japan
Tashina Wambli, Circle of Life
Nogami Fusako, All Life In a Viable Environment
Mikame Yoshiki, The Crescent Bear Society
Moriyama Mariko, Japan Bear and Forest Society
Yoshida Masato, Nature Conservation Society of Japan
Watanabe Ryusuke, The Crescent Bear Society
The Network To Establish A Veritable Wildlife Protection Law